What with so many varieties of lettuces, kales, chards and spring salad favorites where should you begin with your spring greens seed choices? Garden greens are some of the most nutrient-dense plants for your health, packed with cancer fighting folates. Lettuces are also primarily self-pollinating, making them an easy choice for seed saving for future garden seasons. Lastly, they naturally filter water from the ground, providing a clean food source of hydration for emergency situations.
Wood chip gardening is the practice of covering your vegetable garden with wood chip mulch. Wood chips are the best mulch to use in a garden! Back to Eden Gardening is the top wood chip gardening method that is perfect for backyard gardens, home gardens, and vegetable gardens. Wood chip gardens conserve water, prevent soil erosion, suppress weeds, and increase soil fertility.
The best Electric Leaf Mulcher for the home and garden in 2021. This list includes our favorite electric leaf mulchers that are perfect for quickly shredding leaves. Leaves are full of nutrients making them excellent for mulch and compost. However, whole leaves take forever to break down! If you shred leaves before mulching or composting, you will greatly speed up decomposition. The smaller the leaf, the quicker it will decompose. That is why a leaf shredder or leaf mulcher is highly recommended for the home gardener!
Back to Eden Gardening is a no-till gardening method that uses wood chip mulch since it is the absolute best mulch! Scientific studies have found that while most natural mulching materials offer benefits, wood chips used as a mulch may provide the most benefits to gardeners when compared with other common organic mulches such as straw, leaves, or grasses.
Did you know that some types of wood chips deter termites and are even toxic to termites!? Cedar, cypress heartwood, melaleuca, southern tidewater red cypress and California redwood are not edible to termites and decrease a termites chance of survival. If you are concerned about termites or already have a termite infestation, ask for one of these types of trees mulch when yousign upfor a wood chip delivery. TheChip Drop App is free to sign up for and allows you to make special requests such as this.
Sign up for a free wood chip delivery from ChipDrop an app that finds local tree service companies working in your area and notifies them that you would like a delivery of wood chips. Find free wood chips and wood chip delivery nearby your home address!
Back to Eden Gardening implements organic gardening principles and is considered one of the best sustainable permaculture methods for growing food. Watch BACK TO EDEN film streaming for free to learn how to grow your own food with less work!